Brooktree featured in Houzz
Elegant: Use a little reddish wood like a cherry to create a beautiful, almost Japanese feel in the bathroom. The wood layer combined with the light from the spotlight on the ceiling gives a warm and pleasant impression and makes it extra difficult to leave the bathtub during cold winter evenings.
Brooktree | Santa Monica Contemporary Bathroom
“We worked with BiLDEN for the last two years on a new house in Santa Monica Canyon and had a great experience. Greg was our architect and also our contractor so we didn’t experience that disconnect that can happen between the two. We had such confidence that we were actually out of California for a large part of the construction process. Greg is a great guy, organized and responsive and a believer in doing things right. ”
“Undertaking a remodel some 370 miles from home in a high-rise condo with only limited moments to review design issues, city approval problems, cost issues, etc. is a perfect recipe for a stress-filled ride to failure. However, with you and your team as our partners and our visionaries, the turning of our concrete block into our home was actually a grand adventure that we actually enjoyed!! It is hard to imagine that our beautiful home was once such a dilapidated hovel.
We appreciate that you were always accommodating, on top of the issues, and had a clarity and insight that allowed this remodel to shine!!”
“Greg Crawford has designed and construction managed two residential, and three commercial remodels for my husband and I since 2006. We like Greg for his imaginative design, thoughtful use of materials, meticulous attention to detail, efficient and unflappable management skills, and responsive followthrough. An example of Greg’s thoroughness is that he begins a project design by physically spending time both day and night studying the site’s light and breeze patterns, the feel and flow of the space, and the surrounding environment.”
Cornwall Pasadena, California | Contemporary Garden
Cornwall featured in Houzz
"Two styles of architecture on one lot? Try keeping the planting simple and bold. Monochromatic plants, including yellow kangaroo paws and Coleonema ‘Sunset Gold’, hold this outdoor space together and stand up to the eclectic architecture."
Nature Made
Nestled in an idyllic canyon, a contemporary Los Angeles
Home is of a piece with its verdant surroundings.
Written by Laura Mauk
Photography by Laure Joliet
Luxe Interiors + Design | July-August 2016
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The Jewel of the Canyon
This home’s owners fell in love with its modern exterior and breathtaking location—and gave it an interior to match.
Written by Catherine Titus Felix
Photography by Karyn Millet
The Renovation Guide | Summer 2016

A Moment of Clarity
For a Pasadena architect renovating his own home was the perfect excuse to delve into the basics of modernism.
Written by Jean Victor
Photography by Grey Crawford
California Home + Design | October 2006

Deconstructivism Miniaturized
In Los Angeles, even a treehouse may be designed by an architect.
"Turns avant-garde architecture
into a charming folly.”
The New York Times
January 29, 2000
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Mandeville Canyon Treehouse
A treehouse that might be described
as Swiss Family Robinson meets Christo,built of galvanized pipe, redwood, stainless steel cables and
polycarbonate panels.
The Mandeville Canyon Treehouse Brentwood, CA
Los Angeles Times Magazine
August 2000
LA Architect
The treehouse is a place to get away from the house full of obligations and established lifestyle. The "clients," the coolest kids on the block, would not be satisfied with a conventional treehouse so this "flying boat on a tree" was design to meet their fantastic needs. The whole process of building was very much like modelmaking, which meant that structural components were dealt with in a distinct way, for example, the structure does not define the skin, it has a behavior of its own and the two never line up. In summary it is: order vs. disorder (or an order of its own); it is expected anticipation vs. unexpected possibility; and it is children vs. us.